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Because Science

Do Humans Ever Spontaneously Become Human Torches?

Flame on! Flame on! Why isn’t this working? People sometimes spontaneously combust right? Why not me? I want to be fantastic too!

In my latest Because Science, I’m taking a look at the science behind a supposed mystery: spontaneous human combustion. It’s is one of those phenomena that stays on the edge of everyone’s mind — we’ve all heard that it happens, but it’s so odd that we are satisfied with the mystery and not the facts. Well, it’s time to shine some light on this already burning oddity.

Spontaneous human combustion is less humans exploding into flame like Johnny Storm and more like humans turning into candles.

Check out my last video on how big Attack on Titan’s titans can get, subscribe to this playlist to stay current with the show, buy a Because Science shirt, and follow me on Twitter to give me a suggestion for the next episode!

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