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DIY BB-8 Heels are Ready for a Trip to Jakku

Most of us are already in love with one character from Star Wars: The Force Awakens: BB-8. The little ball droid has rolled his way into our hearts. His distinctive orange and black markings can be found on a variety of merchandise–almost all the merchandise–but Instructables user mikeasaurus took his head-over-heels feelings about BB-8 and turned them into actual heels.

These fashion statments let you take the adorable astromech with you wherever you go. And because it’s not enough for them to look like BB-8, they also spin. Yep.

The best part about these BB-8 heels? You can make a pair of your very own. Mike put together a detailed tutorial on Instructables. The less than great news? You’re going to need some serious supplies to lop off the heels of plain white pumps and reattach new ones. It involves welding. If you know someone with the necessary material though, you could probably knock out this project in a few of days (maybe less, but I’m building in time for the adhesive and paints to dry thoroughly). You could prep the shoes for your tenth viewing of The Force Awakens.

[Please note these heels are not so much made for exploring desert planets like Jakku or Tatooine. They’re probably better suited for the streets of Coruscant.]

Are you planning to craft a pair of BB-8 heels over the holidays? Head to the comments and tell me if you’re brave enough to tackle this project.

HT: Fashionably Geek

Images: Instructables

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