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DISNEY INFINITY 3.0 Adding Poe Dameron and Kylo Ren to Their FORCE AWAKENS Set

Disney Interactive has been taking the market by storm with the release of their third Disney Infinity edition, which is mainly themed around the Star Wars franchise. Disney Infinity 3.0 released back in August and has drawn players into the worlds of both Star Wars trilogies, and the animated show Star Wars Rebels, with their figurine collecting madness. Now, Disney Interactive is announcing that not only will there be a play set based on the newest Star Wars film, The Force Awakens, be released for Disney Infinity, but they will also be releasing two stand alone character figures along side it.

DI-TFA-set-10122015On December 18–the same day the film will release into theaters–Disney will release the Force Awakens Play Set for Disney Infinity 3.0. The main set based on the film will include the characters of Finn and Rey, with a game token to unlock the game worlds, and features based on the new film. Solo figures for Poe Dameron and Kylo Ren will also be released. The two figures, as well as the Force Awakens Play Set, are available to be pre-ordered. Take a look at the statement released by Ada Duan, Vice President of Lucasfilm Digital Business & Franchise Management:

“When Star Wars: The Force Awakens is introduced December 18, the Disney Infinity Play Set will be the only game where fans of all ages will be able to experience key moments from the film. Lucasfilm worked closely with Disney Interactive to develop a fun experience for kids and families who are just getting to know these new Star Wars characters and stories.”

The Force Awakens Play Set is expected to sell for $34.99 upon release and individual character figures will retail at $9.99. Take a look at the gallery below for a better look at the characters and packaging, but be sure to also leave us a comment below!

All images courtesy of Disney Interactive


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