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Dining with Doug and Karen #4: Karen Kilgariff and Becky Reams

Becky Reams from MasterChef comes on the show to make some delicious food for Doug, Karen and special guest Karen Kilgariff!

Follow @MC3Becky and @foodiephotog on Twitter!

Follow @karenkilgariff,  @DougBenson and @KarenAndersonHi on Twitter!



















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  1. toonsmyth says:

    Omighod, I am overjoyed to hear that someone else hates those Kit Kat commercials as much as I do. What gets ME is that unless you’re familiar with the whole “Gimme a Break” song they used in the past, the current one just sounds like a bunch of random noises! WHoever handles their advertising is a douche bag.

  2. Masterbaker says:

    I wish that there were some way that Becky and Christine could both win MasterChef.

  3. Vincent S says:

    Holy fuck! It’s Back! I can release the tension below my pants now. phew.

    Anyways, love this podcast. Download commence.