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Die Antwoord Thinks SUICIDE SQUAD Ripped Off Their Style

Die Antwoord Thinks SUICIDE SQUAD Ripped Off Their Style

South African rap duo Die Antwoord already have experience with ong big-budget film–Yo-Landi Vi$$er and Ninja both appeared in the 2015 film Chappie— but If you ask them, though, they’d probably say it feels like they’ve been featured in two Hollywood films. Vi$$er recently posted a video on Instagram that accuses Suicide Squad director David Ayer of “jockin our style.”

The clip defines “jockin” as “to copy the likeness of and/or follow intently” and shows some side-by-side photo comparisons the definitely highlight some aesthetic similarities among Jared Leto’s Joker, Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn, and the rappers. In the description, Vi$$er writes that Ayer called the duo and tried to establish some good will, but she wasn’t buying it: “Cara & Jared told us how much u were talkin abt us on set but u never asked our permision to rip us off. An when ninja texted u sayin wassup wif dat u said nothin like a scared lil bitch.”

yes David Ayer u jockin our style. callin ninja up before your movie came our pretendin 2b down, so it looks OK when u bite our black & white graf style & our opening sequence to umshiniwam & an all da lil tiny details u nibbeld dat other people wont see but we notice. Cara & Jared told us how much u were talkin abt us on set but u never asked our permision to rip us off. An when ninja texted u sayin wassup wif dat u said nothin like a scared lil bitch. U were jus flauntin our names pretendin to b down. u aint down an u never will b. but before we knew da extent of ur two face nature – u invited us to ur movie premiere(which i didnt wanna go to) but ninja went , tinkin ur solid guy an mayb there was jus a lil “misunderstandin”. Den poor ninja had to sit thru dat hole bullshit movie. An u even got da nerve to say wassup to him smilin – an ninja has to b nice cus he is there wif his kid. But we all tink u wack. U shud start a crew called:,”im a fake fuck” ask kanye if he wants to join u. Cum show ur pretty face at my studios. U know Muggs & u know where da Soul Assasin Studios at. we watin for u. @djmuggs_the_black_goat_ @zef_alien @boojie_baby_ @ragingzefboner @_dark_force_ @dejanvisser @djhitekisgod @jipsi518

A video posted by ¥O-LANDI VI$$ER (@prawn_star) on

Die Antwoord also doesn’t seem to think much of the movie, as Ninja was invited to the premiere and didn’t enjoy himself: “u invited us to ur movie premiere(which i didnt wanna go to) but ninja went , tinkin ur solid guy an mayb there was jus a lil ‘misunderstandin’. Den poor ninja had to sit thru dat hole bullshit movie.”

Vi$$er’s letter ended with a seemingly hostile invitation to meet up in person and discuss the situation: “Cum show ur pretty face at my studios. U know Muggs & u know where da Soul Assasin Studios at. we watin for u.”

While we certainly see some of the similarities the South African group pointed out, it is hard to say with any certainty if Ayers actually cribbed their style. We also wonder if this minor tiff would even be happening if not for the film’s lackluster critical reception.

What do you guys think about all of this? Let us know in the comments and on Twitter.

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Featured Image: Press Here Publicity

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