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Dentist Inserts Himself into STAR WARS to Advertise Laser Root Canals

Everybody remembers all the big moments from the very first Star Wars film. That first thrill ride aboard the Millennium Falcon as it escapes from Mos Eisley, Obi-Wan’s duel with Darth Vader, that scene where Dr. John S. Abernathy, DDS uses his PIPS laser to destroy the Death Star and save his patients’ decaying teeth from infection. No, wait a minute. That last one isn’t right. That’s from this absurd yet somehow perfect dentist’s commercial that uses A New Hope to help sling cutting-edge root canals.

Yes, we’ve probably all dreamed of inserting ourselves into the Star Wars saga in one fashion or another, but Dr. John S. Abernathy, DDS of Jonesboro, Arkansas went ahead and actually did it with some very nifty green screen work and a real flair for the light side. The “light” side here referring to the laser that’s involved in PIPS (or Photon Induced Photoacoustic Streaming) root canals.

In the clip, which comes via Geek Tyrant, Dr. Abernathy places himself into a handful of the iconic scenes from the final act of the film. Notice how Dr. Abernathy has replaced Luke in all of the scenes in which he includes himself. Could he be Rey’s real father?! No, of course not, but if Rey ever needed her wisdom teeth removed or something, this would be the guy.

And while this may not be the most narratively compelling edit of A New Hope, nor the most hilarious (that one definitely still goes to the barking dog-tie fighters), we give Dr. Abernathy huge points for staying on target! And also trying to find a way to not dig around inside of our teeth with sharp tools.

What do you think about this dentist’s commercial from a galaxy far far away? Would you be way more inclined to visit the dentist if there were more Star Wars involved? Give us your thoughts in the comments below!

Images: Lucasfilm / Disney

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