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Dean Cain Dozed Off During BATMAN V SUPERMAN (But Still Liked It)

When Batman and Superman square off in a big budget, superhero showdown, everybody’s going to be throwing their two cents in. But there’s one person whose opinion we’re actually interested in hearing: Superman himself. Or at least someone that played Superman, like Dean Cain. So what was his reaction to his old character’s battle with Batman?

To the parts he was awake for, we mean.

The former star of ABC’s Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman talked to The Hollywood Reporter about his reaction to Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and while he was mostly positive, saying “the movie obviously was so well made” and the “effects were incredible,” he did admit to falling asleep for a little bit during it. “I admit, I dozed off a tiny bit,” said Cain, diplomatically adding, “but maybe that’s because I was tired after a lot of traveling.”

Though he chalked his nap up to a busy schedule, he didn’t sound all that convincing, especially considering he also said of the film, “It was too long.”

But don’t walk away from the interview thinking that Cain is calling the film boring—he really did seem to like it, especially the performances. “Ben [Affleck] was great as Batman and Henry [Cavill] is a very good Superman,” he said.

Cain discussed a lot more about the film, including the comparatively dark nature of Superman’s story versus the iterations he and Christopher Reeve portrayed, the Man of Steel’s suit, his son’s reaction to the movie, the introduction of the Justice League, and also some personal items about his career and political views. The full interview over at THR is certainly a worthwhile read.

What do you make of Cain’s reaction to the movie? Tell us in the comments below.

Image: ABC

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