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DEADPOOL II Fan Art Features Keira Knightley as Cable

Deadpool not only made a bunch of money over the weekend and was a hell of a lot of R-rated fun to boot. It also gave us all sorts of hope for a proposed X-Force movie and a sequel that could (and likely will) see the inclusion of another badass super anti-hero, Cable, the future son of Cyclops who became intrinsically linked to Mr. Pool after a comics series in the ’90s. Cable is the exact opposite of Deadpool — serious, un-self-aware, and a bit of a hardass, which makes him the perfect comic foil for our boy in red who talks to the camera.

During the post-credits teaser in Deadpool, the Merc with a Mouth told us that Cable will definitely be in the next one but that nobody’s been cast yet. He lists some people who might take up the mantle, and one of them he lists is Keira Knightley — “She’s got range.” The artist known on Twitter as Boss Logic decided to create a piece of fan art to show us what this match-up would be like. It was just a joke in the movie, but now after seeing this, we sort of wish it were true.

Boss Logic did that piece of art on Tuesday, but on Saturday he did another Cable fantasy casting that actually seems a lot more likely to happen: Stephen Lang, who not only looks just like Cable, but who did a pretty great audition for the role as the militaristic bad guy in James Cameron‘s Avatar. He’s got the hair and the biceps, so that’d be a pretty good bet.

It’s kind of a toss-up, but we’d actually love it if a throwaway joke in the post-credits of a movie actually ended up being true. Knightley’s already played Domino Harvey, so it’s not like she can’t be a gun-toting badass.

Who would you cast as Cable or any of the other X-Force members? Let us know in the comments below!

HT: The Daily Dot
Images: Marvel, BossLogic

Kyle Anderson is the Weekend Editor and a film and TV critic for Follow him on Twitter!

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