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DEADPOOL 2’s Teaser Trailer is Dirtier in Fan-Made, LEGO Form

Earlier this month, Deadpool 2 surprised fans with a bizarre teaser trailer that spoofed the late Bob Ross‘ TV series, The Joy of Painting, before offering a brief and tantalizing glimpse at the first footage from the sequel. We’re really enamored by the unconventionally hilarious marketing campaign behind both Deadpool movies, but this doesn’t mean that fans can’t get in on the fun, too. Now, Huxley Berg Studios has recreated the Deadpool 2 teaser trailer entirely in LEGO, complete with a LEGO version of the film’s first poster.

Oddly enough, the LEGO parody seems even dirtier when its Deadpool “whacks off” his paint brush, probably because the blocky brush has a much more phallic shape. And there is something really funny about seeing Bob Ross’ iconic hair in LEGO form. Even the paintings themselves are crude creations that look like they could have been made by a LEGO figure that doesn’t have fully functional hands.

During the montage at the end, LEGO Negasonic Teenage Warhead somehow finds a way to extend her middle finger even though she doesn’t have fingers. Now that’s talent! From there, many familiar faces from the first film also get LEGO makeovers. And the cameo of Cable and his mechanical hand is once again saved for the post-credits tease.

Additionally, there is also a side-by-side version of the teaser trailer, if you want to compare them.

You can find more LEGO videos by Huxley Berg Studios on their YouTube Channel.

What did you think about this LEGO Deadpool 2 teaser? Say something off the fourth wall in the comment section below!


Images: Huxley Berg Studios

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