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Everything You Missed in the DEADPOOL 2 Teaser

Marvel’s Merc with a Mouth is about 8 months away from returning to theaters, but fans were gifted with an early look at Deadpool 2 this week; and it already looks insane in all of the best ways. The movie may not even be called Deadpool 2 anymore, if the Untitled Deadpool sequel description can be believed. Either way, Wade Wilson is back, and today’s Nerdist News is taking a closer look at the new Deadpool 2 teaser.

Join guest host and weekend A.I.M. warrior, Hector Navaro, as he walks us through the first footage from Deadpool’s sequel. But before we get to that, let’s check out the hilarious Bob Ross parody that took up most of the teaser. The marketing team behind the first movie created a PR campaign that was perfectly in character for Deadpool, and the early indication is that the sequel’s team is going to pull off the same trick in different ways.

Bob Ross Deadpool’s choice of colors seemed to reference a few dystopian sci-fi stories with Clockwork Orange, Doc Brown, and Soylent Green; but we hear that last color is people…and tasty! The Betty White shout-out is a nod to Deadpool’s love of the Golden Girls, while Silverlicious and Girls of Indigo appear to be calling upon Beyonce’s “Bootylicious” and the Indigo Girls, respectively.

While the actual footage from the film was very brief, it did offer a lot of hints and funny moments, including Deadpool holding his arm on with duct tape and sharing an intimate scene with Vanessa. Aside from a glimpse of his hand, Cable wasn’t directly seen at all. However his profile is prominently featured in the church that appears to be under attack by a fire-wielding mutant. One of the surprises is that taxi driver Dopinder has graduated from a cameo role into one of Wade Wilson’s inner circle. Even Weasel and Blind Al are back for this one.

It’s very difficult to pull any plot details from this teaser, but it does appear that the transport seen near the beginning of the film footage belongs to someone attempting to keep their mutant prisoners from escaping. The new pyrokinetic mutant seen here could be Pyro from the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, and it looks like Negasonic Teenage Warhead will once again play a supporting role in this adventure. Perhaps the most exciting part of the video was the quick look at Domino, but we’ll have to wait a little bit longer to see more of Deadpool 2‘s biggest new additions.

What did you think about the Deadpool 2 teaser? Let’s discuss in the comment section below!

More on Deadpool!

Images: 20th Century Fox

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