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Japan’s TWIN PEAKS Commercials from the ’90s are So Weird

When David Lynch and Mark Frost’s revolutionary television series Twin Peaks debuted on television screens across America in the spring of 1990, it was an immediate hit, causing the quirky soap opera to become the sensation of the day. By the time the show was cancelled just a little over a year later, however, the entire Twin Peaks phenomenon was over for all but a loyal cult audience.

But in Japan, Twin Peaks was anything but a fad, becoming a cultural touchstone long past its expiration date in the United States. In Japan, there were mock funerals for the show’s murdered homecoming queen Laura Palmer, with throngs of grieving fans paying their respects. And while the feature film prequel Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me was a big flop at home, in Japan it was a huge hit.

With that in mind, in 1993, Georgia Coffee—a household brand in Japan—hired David Lynch to direct a series of commercials featuring series characters like Agent Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan) and other members of the cast. The result was a sort of bizarre Twin Peaks two minute mini-series that was only meant for Japananese viewers. The ads are filled with catchphrases and iconography from the show, and even feature a trip to the iconic Red Room.

For years, these commercials were only seen in their home country, but they surfaced in the original Twin Peaks complete series DVD box set several years ago. However, for one reason or another, these ads were not included in the recent Blu-ray collection of the series, so the only way to see them now is on YouTube. It’s weird now to think that if not not for Lynch and Frost’s return to the series for Showtime in 2017, these odd little adventures would have been the last official Twin Peaks anything ever made.

You can watch the entire series of Twin Peaks Georgia Coffee ads, edited together into one video above. What do you think? Let us know in the comments.

HT: Margarita the Program Eater via  io9. 


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