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Daniel Radcliffe Raps Eminem’s ‘The Real Slim Shady’ at a Karaoke Bar

It is is no secret that Daniel Radcliffe has an affinity for hip-hop. The actor flexed his rhythmic muscles once before on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon by presenting his own rendition of Blackalicious’s “Alphabet Aerobics”, but it seems he is capable of pulling off any song he puts his mind to. A YouTube video was recently posted by user Mia Anderson that caught the former Harry Potter star at Cameron’s Irish Pub in Half Moon Bay, CA for karaoke night, and Radcliffe brought the fire by spitting his version of the classic Eminem hit, “The Real Slim Shady”.

Any one from their mid-20s to mid-30s probably still has this song memorized, I know I do, but it seems Radcliffe had some trouble. He doesn’t stumble over the words, or forget his place, but he does seem to have trouble with keeping to the flow of Eminem’s song. I can’t blame the guy, though. I’ve been to my fair share of karaoke nights that involved terrible acoustics and an overly raucous bar crowd, which would only be worse at the sight Harry Potter rapping. Plus, some liquid courage does have a tendency to dull one or two of your senses.

The video is still quite a treat as Radcliffe, and girlfriend Erin Darke shout through each chorus, and warn us that there are “a million others who just don’t give a **** like me.” If that is true, than I must ask that the real Potter please stand up.

Why can't I hold all these Potters?

We’re gonna have a problem here.

Let us know what you think of the video in the comments below!

 Featured Image: The Guardian





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