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Dan Harmon Wrote New Scenes for DOCTOR STRANGE

Movies get rewritten at all different stages of production, and the bigger the movie, the more likely this is to happen. A lot of money is riding on the blockbuster train, so if something needs clarifying after the initial shooting and cutting, it’s very common for new or slightly changed scenes to be written, shot, and woven in to the film as a whole. And sometimes the person who comes in to write the new scenes is a beloved television creator like Dan Harmon and sometimes that big movie is Marvel‘s upcoming sci-fi/fantasy Doctor Strange, and sometimes we freak out with excitement about it.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Harmon, the co-creator of both Community and Rick and Morty (obviously), has been brought in to write some last-minute additional scenes for director Scott Derrickson‘s foray into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, due out in November. There’s no word as to what types of scenes Harmon is writing, but we’d bet we’ll get that information once the movie comes out. (Stuff like that always comes out eventually.)

Nerdist reached out to Marvel for comment but received no reply at time of publication.

Marvel has a history of hiring people not necessarily known for these kinds of movies to write or direct them, all the way back to Jon Favreau on the first two Iron Man movies, as well as comedian Taika Waititi for Thor: Ragnarok and of course Joe and Anthony Russo (of Arrested Development and Community) to basically helm all Marvel’s biggest movies.

In hiring Harmon, the movie gets a keen mind for comedy, but also one quite adept at the stranger science fiction concepts that Rick and Morty gets such praise for. He’s a very thoughtful guy and whether the scenes in question are dialogue scenes or trippy alternate-dimensional stuff, we’re excited to see how they work in the Doctor Strange sphere.

Let us know what you think about Dan Harmon lending his talents to Doctor Strange in the comments below!

What will a certain cameo mean for Thor: Ragnarok? Watch to find out!

Image: Marvel

Kyle Anderson is the Associate Editor for Nerdist. Follow him on Twitter!

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