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Did Daisy Ridley Just Confirm [SPOILER] is Rey’s Parent?

Ever since the release of The Force Awakens fans have been theorizing about who Rey‘s parents might be. But is it possible we missed an obvious answer? That seems to be the opinion of star Daisy Ridley. In a recent interview with TimeOut London, Ridley said she thought “a lot was answered in The Force Awakens” adding that it wasn’t until after the film, when she was discussing it with friends, that she realized “in their minds it wasn’t answered at all.”

Ridley’s comments really don’t give us any clues as to who Rey’s parents are, except for one; it’s now pretty clear that they were somewhere in the film. No need to look at spin off comics or backstory books for our answer, they’re up there on the screen and we just missed them. So that really only leaves us with a few possibilities…

Obi-Wan Kenobi: he’s a popular pick for Rey’s potential papa, but the timing doesn’t really work out unless he was getting busy as a force ghost. Plus he’s only really featured in The Force Awakens as a voice in Rey’s force vision.

Snoke: as intriguing as it would be to make the big bad Rey’s dad, there’s really no evidence for it. Plus you have to assume that Snoke would be aware if he had a force sensitive kid like Rey and would be working to bring her into the First Order from an early age.

Luke: this is where our money is. Rey’s obsession with Luke mirrors Lukey’s obsession with his own father in A New Hope. Plus Rey’s force vision was all about him. These two are obviously connected on a deeper level.

But what do you think? Is there a fourth, even more obvious choice, that we’re just completely missing? Let us know in the comments below!

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