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Cosplay Friday #173 – Judy Hopps, Star-Lord, and More by York In a Box

The number of cosplayers at conventions always seems to be increasing and so does the number of cosplay photographers. Many people are all about bringing their camera and capturing the hard work of everyone who crafts and wears costumes. Jon York, known as York In A Box, started taking costume photos to showcase his friends’ costumes; he wanted to get them high quality images. As he snapped more pics and attended more conventions, photography became a fun hobby for him. He goes to what seems like a million conventions now and I enjoy seeing his albums of cosplayer portraits go up after the latest convention ends. His images are always bold and interesting. For example:

Judy Hopps (Zootopia), cosplayed by Miley Tiny Thunder

Star-Lord (Guardians of the Galaxy), cosplayed by Jonathan

There are a ton of additional costumes in the gallery below! I’ve pulled a random sample of fine York In A Box photography. You’ll see the Fourth Doctor, Mulan, and a couple of Game of Thrones characters. You can have York’s work pop in front of your eyes on a regular basis by following him on Instagram and liking his Facebook page (he posts all his photos there).

Tell me, cosplayers, which convention are you attending next? Give me a shout in the comments.

Are you a cosplayer or cosplay photographer? I’d like to highlight your work in an upcoming installment of Cosplay Friday. You can get your portfolio to me by leaving links in the comments, sliding pics to me on Twitter, or tagging or mentioning me on Instagram. You can even email me at alratcliffe at yahoo dot com. Whether you’re the cosplayer or the photographer, please include credits for everyone you can so I can share those too.

Images: York In A Box


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