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Corn, Ketchup, and a Power Drill in Slow Motion

The Slow Mo Guys are back with a new video, of them eating an ear of corn attached to a power drill; and for being one of the simplest, shortest shoots they have ever done, we have a lot to unpack here.

First, this is one of the rare occasions where the real time footage is just as cool to watch as the slow motion footage. This just seems like a really stupid, silly way to jokingly eat corn on the cob, but the fact that it actually works doesn’t seem possible (assuming you think having a massive amount of corn fired into your mouth at a high speed counts as “working”). As they said, that corn really was “polished.”

Beyond the actual test though, Dan’s face after he finished is one of the best reaction shots they have ever filmed. His look is a combination of pure shock and fear. Watching him spit up all of the corn and ketchup afterwards was a little less fun. Speaking of that red condiment, is the ketchup thing merely for the visuals of the slow motion, or do some of you out there really put it on corn? If you put ketchup on corn, please answer this very important question: WHY!? Ketchup does not belong on corn. Don’t do that. You saw that it made Dan sick.

Also, even though they successfully pulled this off, am I crazy in thinking this was super, super dangerous? Don’t you risk losing some teeth with something like this? Or am I just being an old fuddy duddy when it comes to using power tools for food consumption? They said thousands of people requested this video, so maybe it’s just me, but I eat my corn the old-fashioned way–like a cartoon beaver.

Okay, we know these videos are great, but seriously, do you think it is okay to put ketchup on corn? Tell us your thoughts on this controversial question in the comments below.

Images: The Slow Mo Guys

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