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50-Foot Flamethrower in Super Slow Motion is as Awesome as You’d Hope

How much fun is it to use a 50-foot flamethrower? Apparently not even this video can fully capture the enjoyment.

“If you think that looked like it would be the most fun you ever had in your life then you’re wrong. It’s more fun than that.”

If you were so inclined to let someone try out your industrial flamethrower, you’d be hard pressed to find a better twosome to lend it to than The Slow Mo Guys. While it’s impossible for all of us to get to experience what it’s like to be a space explorer trying to eradicate a field of alien eggs, when they use a flamethrower, the rest of us at least get to see what it all looks like in an amazing 4K video.

Loaded up with diesel fuel and a wide open space to shoot in, Gavin and Dan used the flamethrower to get their best images yet of fire in slow motion (and don’t think they’ve been afraid of being around flames before), along with some truly terrible one-liners.

This is silly awesomeness at its best, and it’s cool to see how far the diesel can shoot before actually igniting. But I cannot endorse firing it through your legs. Fire extinguisher or not, that has got to violate some basic safety rules.

As someone who has been known to stare at a fire like a weirdo who thinks he’ll finally see visions in the flames, I strongly encourage any and all videos of fire in slow motion. Also, feel free to lend me your flamethrower and I’ll make you all two videos. Unless I burn my own face off. Though that is a risk I am willing to take.

Where does this rank in your favorite videos from the guys? Fire up your thoughts in our comments below.

Images: The Slow Mo Guys/YouTube

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