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Conan O’Brien’s Scrapped GAME OF THRONES Skit Reveals True Heir to the Iron Throne

It’s no secret that Conan O’Brien is a huge Game of Thrones fan. He already revealed his true form to us in a skit that aired over the summer, but apparently Coco has been hardcore holding out on us with his knowledge of the land of Westeros. It would seem that O’Brien and the rest of the Conan team know the identity of the true heir to the Iron Throne.

That’s right. They’ve known this entire time who really has claim to the worlds coolest (yet probably most uncomfortable) chair, and they’ve been keeping it a secret from us. Thankfully, Conan has finally released the information to the public. Hiding the truth beneath the guise of a “scrapped skit” from the show, we now know the identity of the one truly meant to rule the Seven Kingdoms. Forget Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow, or Sansa Stark. No, the true king of Westeros is…

Andy Richter.

I know. We were surprised, too. We were also surprised to learn that, despite having access to email and the internet–at least enough to start a .biz website–the people of Westeros still use ravens as their preferred form of communication. Though I would imagine internet connection has got to be pretty spotty on The Wall.

Of course, the other forces vying for a spot on the Iron Throne might not have to worry about the incoming threat of the true king, Andy Richter, First of His Name, Writer of Jokes, and Companion to a Tall Ginger. With the skit lost on the cutting room floor, we may never know what a Richter-run Westeros would look like. Perhaps that’s for the best.

What did you think of the skit? What random person would you like to see on the Iron Throne? Tell us what you think in the comments!

Feature Image: Team Coco/Youtube

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