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Comics Relief: DC Debuts New Wally West FLASH Costume

Time for your mid-week edition of Comics Relief, where we’ve got plenty of big news from Marvel, DC, Dynamite Entertainment and more. To start things off though, DC has debuted the new costume for the recently returned Scarlet Speedster, Wally West. Read on for all the details…

Brett Booth Details His Design for Wally West’s New Flash Costume

The big return most fans were excited about in DC’s Rebirth is that of third Flash Wally West, who escaped the Speed Force in DC Universe: Rebirth #1 and reunited with his mentor, Barry Allen. Wally was wearing his old Kid Flash costume in that issue, but he’s long outgrown that title, and soon will be headlining the book Titans with his fellow former Teen Titans Nightwing and Donna Troy.

So with a new era comes a new costume — Titans artist Brett Booth has redesigned Wally’s costume for 2016, and it’s a combination of his old Kid Flash look, along with his classic scarlet Flash design. Most notably, all the yellow lightning in his old costume has been replaced with white lightning, and his emblem resembles the one on the the old Justice League Unlimited animated series. You can see the concept sketch, along with artist Brett Booth’s annotations, in the pic above. [Newsarama]

Greg Capullo and Mark Millar Unite For New Series Reborn

When artist Greg Capullo announced he was taking a break from his longtime Batman collaboration with Scott Snyder, he suggested something big was coming to take its place. Turns out that something big is a new series with writer Mark Millar called Reborn. The series, which currently doesn’t have a publisher, centers on  Bonnie Black, an 80-year old woman who finds herself in a new 25-year old body after she passes away.

Bonnie also discovers that she’s been “reborn” into a new world that is “as real and hard as where we live now, but filled with the most amazing fantasy landscapes, jaw-dropping creatures and a battle raging between good and evil.” The series begins in October. For more on this series, check out our full story on the subject here: [Nerdist]

Civil War II #3 to Receive Midnight Sale, Plus Special Marvel NOW! Preview

The midnight sale of the game-changing DC Universe: Rebirth #1 did gangbuster business for comic shops all over the country, and now Marvel is following suit with what they say is going to be the equally game-changing issue #3 of Civil War II . All we know is that in this issue, another beloved Marvel icon dies, and it sets the stage for the all-new Marvel NOW! initiative coming in the fall.

Marvel will also be releasing a special Marvel NOW! Preview edition along with Civil War II #3 at the midnight sale on July 13th. On top of all that, retailers will receive a special midnight sale variant cover from Marvel CCO Joe Quesada. [Nerdspan]

Steve Rogers: Captain America #2 Gets Massive Advance Reorders

They often say there is no such thing as bad publicity, and this certainly proves it — despite all the negative buzz online about the big “Cap is an agent of Hydra” reveal in issue #1 of Steve Rogers: Captain America, the second issue is getting way more advance reorders than any other comic right now. Yes, even more than certain super-hyped books like Civil War II #3, and more than all the DC Rebirth titles. Marvel is taking all those negative tweets and laughing all the way to the bank. [Bleeding Cool]

New Wonder Woman ’77 Story Is A Sequel To Classic TV Episode

DC’s Wonder Woman ’77 digital first series has been chronicling the adventures of Diana Prince, but as she was played by Lynda Carter from the classic ’70s television series, and set in that show’s continuity. The book, written by Marc Andreyko, includes characters from the comics who never made it into the show before, like Cheetah and Silver Swan. Currently on a hiatus, the series resumes in August with new digital installments, and in September the print issue Wonder Woman ’77 Special #4. That issue features new stories by Andreyko and other writers.

As part of his latest Wonder Woman ’77 story, Andreyko is doing a sequel to one of the old episodes that never got a follow up. In an interview with Newsarama, he said “It’s a sequel to the episode called ‘Gault’s Brain.” It was (veteran actor) John Carradine. He dies and his brain is kept alive in a jar, and he has telekinesis. And he’s trying to kidnap an Olympic athlete to steal his body and put his brain in it. And at the end of the episode, Gault and his cronies escape.”

The new story is titled obtusely as “The Revenge of Gault’s Brain.” Andreyko’s Wonder Woman ’77 story is set to hit in September. [Newsarama]

Comixology and Dynamite Team Up For Killer Crime Bundle

If you’re a fan of crime comics, then right now Comixology and Dynamite Entertainment have got you covered. The latest bundle has a whopping 49 different comics for $9.99. Titles included are Uncanny, Miss Fury and Sherlock Holmes, from creators like Andy Diggle, Dwayne Swierczynski, and more. The Dynamite Crime Bundle can be found at this link. [Bleeding Cool]

Green Arrow: Rebirth #1 Bestselling Oliver Queen Comic of the 21st Century

It’s fair to say that no one saw this one coming, but the Green Arrow: Rebirth one-shot has reportedly sold over 90,000 copies since its release last week. That means the issue from writer Benjamin Percy and artist Otto Schmidt is the highest-selling issue with Green Arrow as the headliner in recent comics history, even topping Kevin Smith’s highly touted Green Arrow #1 from back in 2001, and the New 52 #1 issue of Green Arrow.

The combination of Rebirth and a Green Arrow book that features Black Canary (and more closely resembles the dynamic on Arrow) must have done the trick. The issue is receiving a second-printing that hits stores on June 29, and Percy and Schmidt’s Green Arrow run continues in the first issue of the new ongoing series, hitting stores on June 15. [Comic Book Resources]

Images: DC Comics / Marvel Comics / Greg Capullo / Dynamite Entertainment 

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