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Comic Book Club: Geoff Johns & Eliza Skinner

This week, we’re live from the home base NerdMelt Theater in Los Angeles, with guests Geoff Johns (Batman: Earth One, Justice League), and Eliza Skinner (KLOL)! We find out who Geoff thinks would be the ideal movie Robin, and Eliza explains every problem with The Amazing Spider-Man. Plus: Pixar pornos.

This Week’s Stack: Action Comics #11, Amazing Spider-Man #689, Before Watchmen: Ozymandias #1

Week In Geek:

– San Diego Comic-Con starts this week… But why did it have to be snakes???

Check out our website at to find out how to watch the show live! And follow us on Twitter: @comicbooklive, @azalben, and @jtsizzle.

Mutual Benefit Made Us a Playlist About His Houseplant

Mutual Benefit Made Us a Playlist About His Houseplant

ONCE UPON A TIME’s Season Finale Had an Alternate Ending

ONCE UPON A TIME’s Season Finale Had an Alternate Ending

What is Wrong with MAD MAX’s War Boys?

What is Wrong with MAD MAX’s War Boys?



  1. Alex says:

    @Kenny: We took ’em all out drinking the night before. On reflection, maybe not our best decision.

  2. Kenny says:

    Jesus was the crowd hungover or something ?

  3. Alex says:

    YOU guys rock, and thanks for listening 🙂

  4. amysrevenge says:

    As always, I enjoy your work.

  5. Peter Raygada says:

    You guys ROCK!!!!