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Chris Pratt Has Put Out an Open Call to Design His Facebook Cover Image

Have you ever wanted to put your Photoshop skills to work for something millions of people, including your favorite hunky celebrity, may see? Well, you are now going to get that chance. Current hunky celebrity Chris Pratt has put out a post on his Facebook page asking fans of his to submit their creations for a chance to be used as his new cover image. He also is offering a dinner at Applebees, on him, as your prize. Here is the actual post from the man himself.


Yeah, this is not a drill people. Mr. Pratt has been a huge presence in Hollywood since last year’s The LEGO Movie was a major box office success. Since then continued success of films like Guardians Of The Galaxy and Jurassic World have proved he is the man the world wants to stare at for hours at a time. Pratt is also one who is very appreciative of his fans, and has done a lot of work to give back when he can. Various charity events and appearance at children’s hospitals have melted our hearts every time. Now, his fans are anxious to give back to “The Prattster”, as I personally call him when I am alone. There are already some awesome entries, but don’t let that discourage you from trying your hand. Take a look at some of these entries and see if you can come up with something even better. Even if they don’t win, they got on Nerdist, and we like to think that’s kind of cool.

Pratt Entry by Glenn Triggs


Image: Glenn Triggs

Pratt Entry by Felkner Xycrest

Image: Felkner808

Pratt entry by Courtney Lau

Image: Courtney Lau

Pratt Entry by Daniel Jamieson

Image: Daniel Jamieson

Pratt Entry by Cameron Grant

Image: Cameron Grant

Pratt Entry by Brianda Batcheshire


Image: Brianda Batcheshire

Got an idea for Pratt’s cover photo, but no photoshop? No problem! Post those ideas below and lets see if we can get some people workshopping together.

Featured Image: Tech Times

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