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Choose Your Weapons in THE BELKO EXPERIMENT Posters (Exclusive)

Choose Your Weapons in THE BELKO EXPERIMENT Posters (Exclusive)

Everyone has bad days at work, it’s just a fact of life. But most bad days don’t lead employees into murderously attacking each other in the vain hope of survival. This is the world envisioned by The Belko Experiment, a new horror thriller coming out later this month. And when the battle starts, you’re gonna want to have the best weapons possible…even if they are just office supplies.

Orion Pictures has released four new posters for The Belko Experiment that broadly hint at the carnage to come. While inviting audiences to “choose your weapon,” the posters depict bloody images of a mug, a tape dispenser, a phone, and a pencil. Somehow, we think that a trip to HR isn’t going to be enough to survive this day at the office.


The Belko Experiment was written by Guardians of the Galaxy‘s own James Gunn and directed by Greg McLean. The film takes place at an international firm’s satellite office in Colombia, where a group of American workers notice several strange things. First, their Colombian colleagues are nowhere to be found. Second, they soon find themselves surrounded by security guards that have never been seen in the building before. But before anyone can raise an alarm, the Americans are trapped in the building and informed that they need to kill their own co-workers if they hope to make it out alive.

ChooseYourWeapon-Pencil 2


You can find the rest of the posters in our gallery below. The Belko Experiment will open in theaters on Friday, March 17.

What do you think about the new posters for The Belko Experiment? And what’s your Belko weapon of choice? Put down your bloody pencils and share your thoughts in the comment section below!

Images: BH Tilt and Orion Pictures


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