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Chill Out and Play Your Fridge Gameboy Already

I miss my brick Gameboy sometimes. I have many a fond memory of sitting in the back of the minivan with my brothers attempting, again, to beat Super Mario Brothers and Tetris. The screen was green and black, and incredibly pixelated, but we didn’t know there could be any other way so it was pretty darn awesome. I lost that brick somewhere in middle school, and now that I have watched the video above, I’m kind of disappointed in myself for not being inventive enough in college to modify my fridge into something as cool as student Daniel d’Entremont did to his fridge. Take a few minutes and watch d’Entremont get going on a little Pokémon action.

Perhaps the most impressive thing about this fridge modification is that the appliance still fulfills its original intension and keeps beverages cold though I am pretty entertained that the only thing this college student seems to have in his fridge is a single 2 litre bottle of cola. That fridge also looks very clean on the inside, and if I’m remembering college correctly, my fridge was only clean on the first day of each semester.

d’Entremont actually details all the engineering that he did to disassemble and reassemble the door to his fridge so that it could house both the monitor that he plays the games on, the electronics required to run the Gameboy aspects of the fridge, and all the other things that make that door act like a normal refrigerator door over on his blog. It’s pretty surprising that this kid is actually a student of art history rather than a student of computer science, but given that it’s 2015 already, perhaps we’re not that far away from considering gaming and certain aspects of engineering from an artistic perspective?

Please go do this to your fridge and tell me how amazing it is to play Tetris while you’re waiting for your soda…definitely not beer…to chill.

HT: Gizmodo

IMAGE: Nintendo

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