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Nerdist Presents

Chewbacca Plays with a Bunch of Kittens, Creates Galaxy’s Cutest Fuzzball

Solo: A Star Wars Story didn’t just explore how the most famous scruffy-looking nerf herder in the galaxy far, far away got his criminal start, it showed us how Han met his best friend. And while Wookiees might not seem all that friendly when they’re ripping the arms off of victorious Dejarik opponents, we know underneath all that fur and bluster they’re really quite sweet. So to celebrate the film’s upcoming home release, we had some cute little creatures meet our favorite big fuzzball. That’s right, we sent a bunch of kittens to play with Chewbacca, and it’s so stinking adorable it will make you roar with approval.

Oh. My. Jedi. Look at those kittens warm up to that wonderful walking carpet! Look at it again right now!

Nope, not done looking yet.

This is amazing, but obviously we wouldn’t have done this before we saw The Last Jedi. Chewbacca learned some very valuable lessons on Ahch-To about not eating sweet little creatures.

But this event that should have happened a long, long time ago is even better than you thought, because you can actually make these kittens a part of your very own family. All of them are available for adoption at Best Friends Animal Society in Los Angeles. You can learn about how to bring them, along with all of the other animals they are trying to find homes for, at their Facebook page.

If you do you’ll have your very own loyal fuzzball to both help snuggle or smuggle with you, a trusted friend to help you flee Imperial Cruisers, and someone to always watch Solo with you whenever you want.

And they won’t rip your arms out when you play together.

Solo: A Star Wars Story comes to digital on September 14 and Blu-ray on September 25.

What other character from Star Wars would you love to watch meet some cute furry friends? Tell us in the comments below who from the galaxy far, far away we should send adorable animals to meet next.

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