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Check Out This Bananas Video of Personified Bananas

We know all about the secret life of pets, and bees, and toys. They do strange things when we’re not watching, like plan heroic adventures to save space toys and cowboy dolls. But what about the secret life of bananas? Besides bruise and turn deeper shades of yellow, what do they do when we’re not around? A new Vimeo short seeks answers.

In just over a minute, FutureDeluxe, a creative production studio from the UK, presents the banana in all its forms. Banana phone. Banana fan. Banana fish. Banana boat. Banana lost in thought. Banana smoking a cigarette. Banana seductively unpeeling. Banana getting its “Dole” sticker. There’s also an achingly uncomfortable shot of an unsheathed banana very slowly inching toward a glass of milk. Some of the incarnations are funny banana puns and others are simply personifications of our own existence. And, as it turns out, that’s precisely the point.

“Bananas don’t grow everywhere, but you can get them anywhere,” says the video’s description. “A true icon of the fruit family, courtesy of the innovators at banana co. A natural wonder. A truth fantastic. Life creates and we react. ‘Bananas’ is about the conscious and subconscious. Reality and surreality. A reflection of life, a personification of the immediacy in the way we conduct ourselves. This shit is Bananas.”

Who knew that bananas could so accurately depict the many flavors of the human condition? We’re all a little bananas from time to time, and now we get to watch bananas be us for a while. Take a look and share your best banana story in the comments below.

Images: FutureDeluxe



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