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Check Out Sockweb, The World’s First Father-Daughter Grindcore Band. They Rule.

Sockweb are a self-described “brutorable” father-daughter grindcore duo comprised of multi-instrumentalist Adam Young and his 8-year-old daughter, Joanie, who is the chief lyricist. And guess what? They are about to shred your face into roughly a thousand pieces with their eardrum-eviscerating awesomeness.

Below, watch their brand-new music video for “Spoon,” in which a princess and her companion werewolf must stab Dracula with a ladle in order to retrieve a stolen necklace. Also, all the characters are puppets, so now you officially have every reason possible to check out Sockweb’s upcoming full-length album Werewolf (released March 25th) and rock out as hard as you possibly can.

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  1. Joshua says:

    I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Uncle Monster Face
    They are another band that features puppets.