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Cast Summarizes GAME OF THRONES in 30 Seconds

With 50 hours of television containing mythical realms, enormous battles, several factions vying for political power, and upwards of 60 billion character, place, and object names, trying to encapsulate all the ins and outs of HBO’s Game of Thrones in a short couple of sentences is a more gargantuan feat than besting The Mountain in one-on-one combat. It might even make your head hurt worse. (RIP Oberyn Martell…*sniff*) (Oh, also RIH The Mountain.) (RIH means Rest in Hell, if you wondered.)

Not even the members of the Game of Thrones cast seem to be able to offer any more insight into the complicated storyline and vast array of characters than anyone; in fact, it seems they can say even less. In a video from Entertainment Weekly, series stars (and arguably the only four true heroes of the show), Peter Dinklage (Tyrion Lannister), Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen), Kit Harington (Jon “You Knuh Nuuthing” Snuuuuuh), and Maisie Williams (Arya Stark) were asked to sum up all four seasons of the show so far in 30 seconds or less. The results were, let’s just say, a little far from complete. There are some spoilers, I guess. Begin your reconnoiter.

All right, so there you have it. To put together all four of their synopses together, you basically have “Death, death, death, death, lunch, death, revenge, boobs, dragons, Heisenberg, Jon Snow gets sadder, Daenerys wins.” I mean, I guess that’s close enough, right?

We’re super, super excited for the new season to begin, in only about a month’s time now. If you missed the new Game of Thrones Season 5 Trailer, click there to see it and 5 other trailers to which we’re very much looking forward, courtesy of Nerdist News. How excited are YOU?! Tell us below, along with your rough summary of the first four seasons.

HT: Entertainment Weekly

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