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Car Tunes and Cartoons: The Hairs Made a Playlist Full of Their Favorite Songs of 2015

2015, you careened the whole way through.

A weird thing about getting older is that time appears to move faster every year since that unit of time seems proportionally smaller in your life. I think that’s why time takes forever when you are a kid. That is also why it becomes crucial to appreciate moments that seem slow, meandering, calm. So as much as year-end lists are silly and easy to brush off as inane, they are also really valuable. Taking stock of the moments that stood out is both a luxury and vital for growth.

Leaning into this idea, Kevin Alvir of lo-fi indie band The Hairs has compiled a 10-song playlist of his “fav shit” of 2015, and drew us a special cartoon version of the band recording music. This installment of Car Tunes and Cartoons is especially rad, because Alvir is actually a very talented cartoonist who has illustrated work for Funny or Die, the Washington Post, and many other outlets. In addition to the cartoon and a playlist of very good music by Frankie Cosmos, Colleen Green, and more, Alvir included his own track aptly titled, “Fave Shit 2015”. Very concise, and a nice little look into the world of things that made someone happy and sad this year. Check out the music and drawing below.

About his mix and cartoon, Alvir had the following to say via email:

I feel like I’ve been in a funk for the past couple years, so it was rather easy to feel the best music was ALSO THE *SADDEST MUSIC*. This year 2015, I felt like I wanted to have more fun. I wanted to “Remember Laughter”, if you will. I opened myself up to the world of Art-Rap and Dance Pop, which I didn’t like to listen to before. I’ll always love Rock n’ Roll. Anyways – I also love the concept of Top 10 Lists. These lists were administered by a respected artist or critic, who could shepherd the reader / listener / fan into something good. I hope my picks will find you something new to dig into OR else you can get a better sense of my vibe and want to party with me. I forgot to mention certain artists in the song, so they’re now represented in this playlist. Anyways – Enjoyo!!!!

Nerdist Hairs cartoon 2 page #0 2

The Hairs just released their EP Elvis and Me Are One, and you can listen here.

Thanks for checking out 2015’s final installment of Car Tunes and Cartoons. Be sure to check out the bounty of other mixes and drawings, and come back next year for more!

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