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What Does Phasma’s New Weapon Say About Her THE LAST JEDI Role?

Prior to the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, many fans assumed that Gwendoline Christie‘s Captain Phasma was going to be the new Boba Fett. And they were right, just not in the way that anyone wanted. Phasma’s armor was badass, but much like Fett himself, she was unceremoniously disposed of…and this time, it didn’t even happen onscreen! However, Phasma clearly survived Starkiller Base’s garbage chute, and the early signs point to her having a much bigger role in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Today’s Nerdist News is intercepting orders from the First Order that may offer some clues about Phasma’s new role.

There are potentially minor spoilers ahead for The Last Jedi! And we mean minor, but we don’t want to hear any complaints. You’ve been warned!

Join host and Zam Wesell’s secret bounty hunter protégé, Jessica Chobot, as she examines a recent report from Making Star Wars. According to that usually reliable rumor site, Phasma will be wielding a new spear that makes her look “killer.” Now, we’re never going to knock the power of spears in the Star Wars universe. Ask the Empire how well they did against the Ewoks’ spears on Endor. But we’re thinking that this spear may indicate that Phasma isn’t a captain anymore. Perhaps she’s been promoted to directly serve under Supreme Leader Snoke, or maybe she’s going to personally pursue Finn and the other Resistance members throughout the film. Remember, only Finn and Chewie know that Phasma gave up the codes for Starkiller Base’s shields. So she may have a very personal vendetta against our heroes.

Given the rumors that The Last Jedi will have some narrative similarities to The Empire Strikes Back, those Boba Fett and Phasma comparisons may have more to them than we initially guessed. Here’s hoping she meets a better fate in the third movie!

What do you think about the latest rumors for Captain Phasma? Let’s discuss in the comment section below!

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