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How the First Order Will Be Even More Deadly in STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI!

Just over a year ago, Star Wars: The Force Awakens kicked off the new trilogy and a new era for the franchise by introducing an exciting lineup of new characters as well as many of our returning favorites. The film also borrowed heavily from the very first Star Wars movie, but the upcoming sequel, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, has the potential to carve out some unexplored territory in the aftermath of The Force Awakens. Today’s Nerdist News is exploring a new rumor has emerged about the state of the galaxy after the destruction of Starkiller Base.

Before we go any further, there are potentially massive spoilers ahead for The Last Jedi. Don’t say that you weren’t warned!

Join guest host, and honorary Dark Lord of the Sith, Tiffany Smith, as she examines the secret data that so many Bothans died to bring you. The latest rumors come from Making Star Wars, a site that has a pretty good track record. Since The Last Jedi is literally starting a few seconds after The Force Awakens, it means that we’re going to see the fallout from the First Order’s actions in that story. Remember, no one took the First Order seriously…until they blew up the capitol planet of the New Republic. Now, it appears that Snoke’s burgeoning empire still has momentum on its side, as he and Leia scramble to make new alliances.

While Lucasfilm has downplayed suggestions that The Force Awakens will crib from The Empire Strikes Back, it’s hard not to see several parallels between the two. General Leia’s mission may bring her to a planet that reminds fans of Cloud City, while a good deal of the story will also deal with Rey’s tutelage under Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. Eventually, the two stories may converge as they did in Empire. But we’re not complaining! If Lucasfilm has to look to the past for inspiration, it might as well be the best damn Star Wars film of all time.

What do you think about the latest Star Wars rumors? Let us know in the comment section below!

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