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CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR Is Not Immune to Honest Trailers

Two years ago, Captain America: The Winter Solider was one of the rare films to be called “Honest Trailers proof,” as it received an extremely positive reception even from the HT team. But it’s a different story for Captain America: Civil War, as the latest episode of Honest Trailers proves that the Marvel Studios movies aren’t automatically exempt from criticism. Or as the Screen Junkies hosts joked last week, the Marvel checks haven’t cleared yet!

As noted in our review last spring, we loved Civil War. However, it’s not a film without problems. Perhaps the most glaring example of this is Zemo’s convoluted plan, which is hilariously skewered in this video. This episode also gets a lot of mileage out of Cap’s romance woes by framing the movie as a love story between Cap and Winter Soldier, with Falcon and Iron Man waiting in the wings before Steve Rogers finally gets the second romantic kiss of his life from Sharon Carter. And yes, Tumblr fans really do seem to like that Cap/Winter Soldier pairing. So. Much. Fan art.

Perhaps the most damning evidence used against Civil War is that it has some very close parallels to Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Some were obvious, and the other similarities were harder to deny when footage from both films was played side-by-side. But that airport fight in Civil War sure does make a difference! If nothing else, it’s still fun to watch.

What did you think of this week’s Honest Trailers? Leave a comment below before we finish the Winter Soldier’s Hydra control words. “Longing, rusted, furnace, daybreak, seventeen, benign, nine, homecoming, one, freight car!” Just pretend that we wrote those words in Russian.

How much alcohol can Captain America drink?

Image: Marvel Studios



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