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Bjork’s New Exhibition Presents Iceland in Stunning VR

It’s naturally beautiful. It’s unified and nonviolent. It has one of the best music scenes on the planet and most people there still believe in elves. Even without Bjork, Iceland is a bit of a chimera. Now the Icelandic songstress is using virtual reality to actually turn it into one.

Iceland, in addition to everything else, is also the most tech savvy country on Earth, so embracing new technology is nothing new; Bjork has already been doing it for years. She turned her 2011 album Biophilia into a full multimedia project. Then, last year, to celebrate the release of her latest record, Vulnerica, she turned the LP’s “Stonemilker” video into a VR app. This Friday, as Rolling Stone reports, Bjork will use virtual reality as part of her Bjork Digital exhibition in Sydney, Australia, to bring a piece of Iceland to her fans on the other side of the world.

The artist shared a majestic, thoroughly realistic preview of the VR experience via Instagram:

A video posted by Björk (@bjork) on

“[The exhibition] is a further step into completing the full Vulnicura VR album, which will come out soon,” Bjork said in a statement on her website. “I feel the chronological narrative of the album is ideal for the private circus virtual reality is: a theatre able to capture the emotional landscape of it.”

Bjork Digital already includes VR videos for four Vulnerica tracks, but there will be five more added to the docket. Fans will be able to experience the exhibition through 80 Gear VR headsets, and the piece has also been ported to HTC Vive. Attendees will also have the opportunity to try out some signature Bjork sounds. “Folks can watch Vulnicura in VR and also I’ve brought the instruments from Biophilia that guests can try out with iPads,” she continued in her statement.

Bjork Digital will travel to London, Paris, Tokyo, and Houston in the coming months. Check it out if you can, and in the meantime, take a peak at the preview and let us know what you think in the comments.

IMAGE: One Little Indian / Sony

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