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Bioware Announces DRAGON AGE: INQUISITION For October 7 Release

Bioware is taking their talents back to Thedas on October 7 in Dragon Age: Inquisition, set to hit the PS3, PS4, 360, Xbox One and PC platforms. Along with today’s announcement comes this brand new trailer showing off some wickedly remarkable visuals and gameplay. Take a look:

Is it just me or is October shaping up to be the busiest month in gaming this year? Dragon Age: Inquisition is joining a packed release window that already includes other titles such as Middle-earth: Shadow Of Mordor and Batman: Arkham Knight. Add in the fact that Destiny and Evolve are set to come around the same time and you pretty much have the basis for an extremely financially difficult start to the holiday season.

Good luck this fall, gamers.

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  1. Tom says:

    Now THAT’S drool worthy
    Hopefully it’ll end up better than II

  2. Lance says:

    That guy has glossy ass lips, i wanna kiss him

  3. Alexander the Meh says:

    Maybe it is just me, but I didn’t see a lot of actual “gameplay” in that “gameplay” video.

  4. Kristine N. says:


    Seriously, Dragon Age Origins is my favorite game of all time. And this trailer looks incredible! I hope it lives up to already high expectations!

  5. AaronOfThe says:

    Just imagine how bad this is going to look in ten years.. then imagine the games that will look good in ten years!.. then imagine how bad those will look in twenty years! o.O

  6. Ben Z says:

    Well crap. I already figured it would be tough to squeeze in Arkham Knight with Destiny in my hands. I don’t know if I’ll get to this game, but it’s nice to see that the newest gen of consoles is starting to get more good looking games.

    PS When was Evolve given a street date? Even now, I can’t find anything on the net, and Amazon is using a hold date of 12/31/2014, which leads me to believe Evolve is a 2015 title.