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Bill Murray Wants to Eat Honey and Nap in New THE JUNGLE BOOK Clip

“Bears don’t hibernate in the jungle. What are you teaching him?”

“Not full hibernation, but I nap–a lot.”

Well you can’t blame a bear – even if he does live in the jungle which means he doesn’t have to actually hunker down during the winter – for wanting to grab a little cat nap when he can. I know how much the humidity can wear you down.

That’s what the Bill Murray-voiced Baloo, from the upcoming live-action version of The Jungle Book, is trying to do in this new clip. In it we see the panther Bagheera, voiced by Ben Kingsley, find Mowgli helping Baloo indulge in a glut of honey. Unfortunately for the human boy Mowgli, played by Seel Nathi, it looks like the friendly bear may have misled his young friend.

“There’s no place in the jungle for these tricks. You want to do this you do it in the man-village,” says Bagheera.

If you didn’t know this was a clip from a movie of The Jungle Book, but heard that Bill Murray tricked some kid into stealing him honey so he could take a nap, you’d believe that. You’d believe that in a second.

Directed by Jon Favreau, The Jungle Book also stars Idris Elba as Shere Khan, a “fearsome tiger” that “bears the scars of Man” and “promises to eliminate” Mowgli, who he believes is a threat, even though Mowgli was raised by a family of wolves.

The Jungle Book opens next month, on April 15.

What are you most looking forward to with this movie? Tell us in the comments below.

Image: Disney

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