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Episode 65: Big Pop Fun
Jonah Ray

Big Pop Fun #65: Jonah Ray

Jonah Ray is a comedian, actor, writer, and punk-o-phile. Jonah and Tom talk about Hawaii, the punk sensibility, and being large.

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  1. Brad Dunbar says:

    This one gave me an entirely new perspective on Jonah. Great stuff, as per usual. 😀

  2. Alwin says:

    Hell yeah Jonah.

  3. romtin says:

    great episode Tom. a lot of really nice comments and bits of advice. Jonah’s story was great to hear and i’m crossing my fingers for that comedy central pilot.

  4. Beautiful episode, and I wish Tom had accepted Jonah’s offer :-).

    Just wanted to point out regarding the intro, though: Going to a school to hear children singing when they are not your children is probably not well received if you don’t have children at all :-).

  5. Tom Steele says:

    I never knew Jonah was from Hawai’i.

  6. Z Cole says:

    For anyone else that finds the comment above me super-annoying, the real episode starts at 00:01..

  7. videoTHL says:

    For anyone else that finds this intro super annoying, the real episode starts at 12:02..

  8. MJ says:

    I usually just lurk around and don’t comment on the shows, but this is one of the best episodes of any podcast I’ve listened to in a long time. It was cool to get to hear a little bit about Jonah growing up and how he ended up as part of the Nerdist podcast. And Tom is an excellent host!

  9. Josh says:

    Hooray for BPF!