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Episode 10: Big Pop Fun
Tom Solos Romania and…

Big Pop Fun #10: Tom Solos Romania and Kansas City

In this episode, Tom tells true tall tales about toy museums, Kansas City, a magazine for movie actors, and Romanian stunt men.

How Strong is Oobleck? What is Oobleck? Now We Have Answers to Both

How Strong is Oobleck? What is Oobleck? Now We Have Answers to Both

Nerdist Writers Panel

Nerdist Writers Panel : Pendleton Ward, Martin Gero …

Sex Nerd Sandra

Sex Nerd Sandra : Sex and Racial Justice with Aida Manduley, Anaîn Bjorkquist and Cindy Lee Alvez!



  1. Perrin says:

    This show is always the hi-light of my week. Thank you Tom!

  2. emmasdad says:

    Dear Tom,
    You are awesome and I love how intimate and personal you make the show.
    I met you at a Columbus, Ohio, Funnybone in 2006 and keep looking for you to come back so I can take my wife.
    God bless!