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Best Reactions to the STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Teaser

Well, it’s two days out, and the internet is still abuzz about the reveal of the newest teaser trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. From what I can tell, its received an overwhelming outpour of support and emotion from the majority of Star Wars fans. As you can see above, our own Nerdist crew were DEFINITELY excited. I think I even saw a few tears of joy…. or maybe relief?

When this movie was first announced, the reactions ranged from “I can’t wait!” to “I’ll wait and see what happens. I’ve been burned before,” to “SCREW JAR JAR, AND SCREW THIS!” Even when the first teaser released late last year, fans still didn’t know exactly what was in store.

Fast forward to last Thursday at Star Wars Celebration, where Episode VII director JJ Abrams and crew released something that reawakened the kid in all of us. Memories of watching the Kenner commercials during Saturday Morning Cartoons came rushing back to me, that’s for sure. This tweet from Sucker Punch Productions captures it quite nicely:

You’ve seen OUR reaction to the trailer, but what did the rest of the Interwebs have to say? Here are some of the best video reactions:

Father Roderick:

Star Wars fan NukemDukem:

Zalzar (His Han/Chewie reactions is GREAT):


Matthew McConaughey, who received an early copy while on location shooting Insterstellar (wink)

These videos are my favorite because you can see each fan being transported back to when they experienced Star Wars for the first time. That moment when, even though they didn’t realize it at the time, they were about to witness something that would be a part of them for the rest of their lives.

Every time I watch the teaser, I am transported back to the Rolling Acres Mall in Akron, OH, where my dad took me to see Return of the Jedi. I haven’t forgotten it, and I know I won’t forget this Christmas when I take HIM to see The Force Awakens.

So what did YOU think? Did your muscles seize with excitement when you saw Han and Chewie? Are you too busy to read this because you are in your garage making Kylo Ren’s lightsaber? Let us know in the comments below, and don’t miss our breakdown of the teaser on Nerdist News!

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