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Beautiful Gene Wilder Supercut Shows He Was Much More Than Wonka

When a celebrity passes away, there’s a strange and beautiful collective eulogy some of us take part in on social media. Expressing our sadness and broadcasting our condolences out into the ether of the internet, we hope someone will find comfort or catharsis in them. We also take the time to share our favorite things that they gave to the world. If we’re lucky, some bittersweet joy can be gleaned from those contributions, and in the case of comedy legend Gene Wilder, there sure is a lot to share. A lot to remember. A lot to love.

The supercut maestros over at Burger Fiction recently arranged this Gene Wilder compilation, and we have to admit that it’s one of the best we’ve seen and one of the best they’ve done. Where some of their super cuts can be on the sillier side, or focus on an abstract concept, the few minutes of Wilder’s best roles is presented beautifully with the respect we all know he deserves. Titled “Gene Wilder: Dreamer of Dreams,” it hits the high notes of his career that we all know and love but doesn’t forget the lesser known (or rather, lesser remembered) films that may have fallen away from our immediate go-to Wilder film playlist. It’s supercuts like this one that help to reignite the spark inside us, resulting in a rather wonderful byproduct of our grief. The sadness we feel when we lose someone special, even though we may not actually know them, is made easier to bear when we’re able to celebrate them.

If you’re anything like us, you have Gene Wilder movie marathons already on the books so that we can mourn, remember, and ultimately celebrate the immense talent that he was. Burger Fiction‘s video description may say it best with a simple “We will miss you.”

We sure do.

What are your favorite Gene Wilder moments? Let’s discuss in the comments below!

Image: Warner Bros.

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