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Will AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Work as a Heist Film?

Will AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Work as a Heist Film?

The Russo Brothers say Avengers: Infinity War is basically a heist movie. Was that the right approach for Marvel, or should they have stolen a different genre for the film’s premise? We discussed that–while playing some Overwatch–on today’s Nerdist News Talks Back, along with more from the MCU and Henry Cavill‘s comments about the DCEU fixing some previous mistakes.

After yesterday’s murder mystery extravaganza, things were back to their normal level of absurdity today, as host Jessica Chobot was joined by Nerdist managing editor Alicia Lutes, Geek and Sundry‘s Amy Vorpahl, and Nerdist News writer Joan Ford. (Everyone survived!) And while they were breaking down the biggest pop culture topics of the day, The Dan Cave‘s Dan Casey hunkered down at his Dell PC to play some Overwatch.

First up were the comments from the Russo brothers saying Avengers: Infinity War is a kind of heist film, with Thanos trying to steal all of the Infinity Stones. With so many characters, was this a smart approach for the movie or should they have gone another way? Since it is about a theft, could they have come up with a better title for the film (Thanos’ Eleven, anyone)? And with Mark Ruffalo’s comments about Hulk and Rocket Raccoon becoming BFFs in the film, will Groot be jealous of their new friendship? Or will it be a My Two Dads situation?

There was a lot more from the MCU though, including the first look at Michelle Pfeiffer in Ant-Man and the Wasp as Janet Van Dyne, Hank Pym’s lost wife. With her older-looking clothing, do we expect she’ll only appear in flashbacks? Do we hope to see the former Catwoman doing some action stunts? And what about another fierce Marvel lady, Squirrel Girl, and the New Warriors pilot not having a home on Freeform? Could this streaming limbo put the whole show in danger?

Finally, Henry Cavill gave a pretty candid interview about some of the mistakes the DCEU has made, but that he thinks they’re on the right track to fix them now. Was this shocking, or did he say a bunch of things we already know? Have they done anything right so far (besides Wonder Woman)? Will using Danny Elfman’s Batman theme from the Tim Burton era help?

Nerdist News Talks Back aired live at 1:00 p.m. PT on our YouTube and Alpha channels, just like it does every weekday. Tune in and join the conversation. It’s a talk show that will never steal your time…but if it did we’d call it Chobot Day Afternoon.

We still want to hear your thoughts on today’s topics, so talk back to us in the comments below.

Images: Marvel, Warner Bros.

Read more about the MCU!



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