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First Reactions to AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Footage Are In

The first reactions to Avengers: Infinity War footage are in and they offer some surprising insights. On today’s Nerdist News Talks Back we discussed what to make of them, along with Amazon‘s grand plans for their Lord of the Rings series, and the trailer for Terry Gilliam‘s Don Quixote movie 20 years in the making.

Dan Casey was back for another day of hosting duties, and he was joined by associate editor Kyle Anderson, social media director Michelle Buchman, and Alpha’s The Wednesday Club host Matt Key. They started with news from THR Amazon has already ordered five seasons of their upcoming Lord of the Rings series. Is this a good strategy, or does this put too much pressure on the show? Will it inevitably be compared to the movies instead of on its own merits? Will the format allow them to include more from the books, or will they have to pad things out like with The Hobbit film trilogy? And is this too soon for a remake, or does a TV series make it different enough?

Another huge franchise also made some big news, after the first 30 minutes of Infinity War was screened in London. (Minor spoiler warning!) Apparently the film’s opening was much funnier than anyone expected. Are we surprised by this when the movie seems so serious? Do we think the reported change in tone from location to location and group to group will work? Or will it make it feel less cohesive? How do we feel about Hawkeye’s continued absence? Is the expected $200 million opening weekend be even remotely possible physically? How many theaters are there? And why does that huge number mean someone in our office possibly made the single worst bet of all time?

Finally, after nearly two decades of developmental hell Terry Gilliam’s The Man Who Killed Don Quixote got a trailer. Why did this movie take so long to get made? What did we think of this first look? Are we fans of the classic story? Is the time right for a new adaptation? And since it still has legal issues surrounding it, will it actually be released?

Nerdist News Talks Back airs live on our YouTube and Alpha channels Monday through Thursday at 1 p.m. PT, but don’t forget to tune in tomorrow to Nerdist News What the Fridays, our hour long recap of the pop culture week that airs at 1 p.m. PT exclusively at Alpha. Because when Hawkeye finally does show up, you’ll know where you can discuss it.

What did you think of today’s show though? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

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