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After ten years, 18 movies, and the biggest collection of superheroes to ever grace one film, there’s nothing else Marvel can do to get us excited for Avengers: Infinity War.

Narrator: “There was.”

We made a huge mistake saying that, because we are even more hyped to see it after the Russo Brothers mentioned that there’s an Arrested Development reference in the movie.

In an interview with Andy McCarroll (that we heard about at io9), the directors were jokingly asked if there is any possibility the film would include a reference to the beloved TV series of which they also directed several episodes. But in news that is more exciting than seeing a “Star War,” Joe Russo said there actually will be. “There’s a few surprises coming, I would say that Arrested Development fans should keep their eyes open in this one,” he teased, “You gotta look, keep your eyes open.”

Okay, we don’t have any idea how big or small the reference will be, or if it will have anything to do with the episodes of the show they directed, but we’re going to let our imaginations run wild until we see it. Like maybe someone will mock Thanos with the worst impression of a chicken ever, or considering Anthony Russo directed “Top Banana,” maybe someone will say, “There’s always money in the banana stand,” and Captain America and Peter Quill won’t get the reference.

Or, in what would possibly be the greatest reference ever, maybe Bucky and his missing arm will be used to teach everyone a very important lesson about why you never try to bring the universe into balance by destroying half of it.

To paraphrase Michael, we don’t know what we’re expecting, but we know it will be much better than a dead dove in a bag. (Unless it is a dead dove in a bag.)

What do you think this Arrested Development reference might be? Give us your best idea in the comments below.

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Featured Image: Marvel/20th Century Fox

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