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Do These AVENGERS 4 Photos Point to a New Hero?

Recently, Marvel Studios’ Kevin Feige indicated that the title of the fourth Avengers film isn’t a spoiler at all and that the press is making too much of a big deal about it. Yet we can’t help but notice that he still hasn’t shared that title with us. What we do know is that Avengers: Infinity War has wrapped, and the officially untitled sequel is well underway. Today’s Nerdist News is looking at some new pics from Avengers 4 while offering some clues about what they may mean for the MCU.

There are potential spoilers ahead for the next two Avengers movies. You’ve been warned, true believers!

Join host and Clint Barton’s former protégé, Jessica Chobot, as she gives us our first look at Ronin! Within Marvel’s comic book universe, Ronin is an alter-ego that has been used by Echo, Blade, and even Hawkeye to shield their identities. Around a decade ago, Hawkeye was resurrected during the House of M event, and it’s way too convoluted to get into that story here. The short version is that Clint was looking for a fresh start after coming back to life, so he abandoned his Hawkeye persona and adopted the Ronin costume as his own.

Jeremy Renner has been spotted on the set of Avengers 4 while wearing a costume that looks a lot like Ronin’s outfit. We’ve been hearing the “Hawkeye will become Ronin” rumors for a while now, but this appears to be the first visual confirmation of that spoiler. The first thing that we can infer from that is Clint’s survival. There may be a few fatalities in Infinity War, but Hawkeye will clearly not be among them.

In the comics, there were other mitigating factors behind Clint’s decision to become Ronin. Captain America was dead and half of the Avengers were branded as fugitives following the conclusion of the Civil War crossover. That could still play out in the MCU, especially if there’s no reconciliation between the splintered Avengers. But if the Ronin costume is an indication of the MCU’s new direction, then we may be witnessing the post-Cap split between the Mighty Avengers and the New Avengers, which counted Spider-Man, Ronin, Ms. Marvel (now known as Captain Marvel), Iron Fist, Echo, Doctor Strange, Luke Cage, and even Wolverine as members.

Given the ongoing friction between Marvel TV and Marvel Studios, the chances of Luke Cage and Iron Fist joining the New Avengers is about as likely as Fox getting Hugh Jackman to play Wolverine in a MCU film. It’s just not gonna happen! But the rest of that New Avengers lineup is very doable, especially since Echo has yet to be introduced in either the Marvel films or television shows. In the absence of Luke Cage, perhaps Clint will even be the leader of this team.

What are your theories about Clint’s new Ronin costume? Let’s discuss in the comment section below!

Images: Marvel

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