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Artist Mashes-up Modern Stars with their Classic Counterparts

Everyone is the new someone.

Any time a new actor or actress make it big in Hollywood, inevitable comparisons to other actors from the Golden Age of Hollywood begin. For instance, the latest for a while was that Tom Hardy was the new Marlon Brando (not so sure about that one).

The truth is, of course, no one is the new anyone. Everyone is just themselves, but that didn’t stop digital artist George Chamoun from embarking a new project. He has seamlessly blended modern Hollywood stars with their corresponding icons from yesteryear in a series he calls Iconatomy. And when I say say seamlessly, I really mean it; it’s hard to see where one actor ends and another begins in some of the images he’s created.

Some of the celebrity mash-ups in this series are obvious–for example, Natalie Portman and Audrey Hepburn together is a no-brainer, as is George Clooney and Cary Grant. Same with Liz Taylor/Angelina Jolie. Others seem like more of a reach. Scarlett Johannson as Marilyn Monroe is pushing it a little, as is Robert Pattinson blended with James Dean. Or maybe James Dean and Marilyn have long since passed from being celebrities into almost Hollywood deities, and our knee-jerk reaction is to cringe when anyone tries to compare them to any of today’s stars.

You can see all the images in George Chamoun’s Iconatomy series in our gallery below:

HT: George Chamoun via  Live For Films
IMAGES: George Chamoun


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