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ARROW’s Stars Tease the Show’s Big Upcoming Crossover

ARROW’s Stars Tease the Show’s Big Upcoming Crossover

The CW’s Arrowverse has created a market in outrageous crossovers. Ever since the first time that Oliver Queen appeared in an episode of The Flash, the stage was set for expansive yearly events that’d throw all of The CW’s most famous characters into the mix. This year will be no different, as we learned when we visited Arrow’s set in Vancouver. We chatted with the cast of the OG series about how this crossover tradition has outgrown all expectations, and how the world of the Arrowverse must grow further still to adapt to the huge scope that the crossovers have reached.

The cast was obviously tight lipped about the specifics of the network’s upcoming crossover, but had a lot to say about its impact, teasing us with little allusions to their favorite moments. “I got to sit in on episode eight and watch Stephen and Melissa shine,” said David Ramsey, who plays John Diggle. “I think you guys will enjoy it.”

For the Green Arrow himself, Stephen Amell, this particular crossover isn’t just a huge event story-wise, it’s also a game changer for the production of the shows going forward. “I would wager to guess that I have the most screen time in all four episodes of the crossover, so that’s been something,” he said, reflecting on how much these crossover events have grown since the beginning. “The crossovers this year took up six full weeks of shooting. I think that in order for us to continue down this path, we as productions, The CW as the network, and Warner Bros. as the studio, are going to have to fundamentally re-conceive how we execute these because this sort of broke the schedule mold.

Juliana Harkavy, who took on the mantle of the Black Canary earlier this year, couldn’t reveal much, but she was clearly exhilarated for fans to see the show. “I’m so excited,” she said. “It’s epic and the story is Odyssey-like and I’m excited for people to see that too.”

Arrow‘s resident tech genius, Felicity, plays a big part in this season’s crossover, with Emily Bett Rickards keeping her cards close to her chest. “I think what happened with Barry and Iris’ wedding is we had to get the four shows together,” Rickards said. “What’s the best way to do that? A celebration. What’s the best way to ruin a celebration? … I think that’s the best way to have this theatre of tragedy and for people to see it.”

Closing out the conversation, Amell left us with a fantastic idea of just how big the show has gotten this year. “It really is, for the first time, it’s an event,” he said. “It’s not a crossover anymore. Call it the crossover if you want. But it’s kind of like calling the Super Bowl just a football game. Yeah, sure, they play football, but there’s so much other stuff that goes on with it. It’s an event.”

What are you hoping to see on Arrow‘s next crossov—I mean, event? Let us know!

Images: The CW

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