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ARCHER’s Aisha Tyler and Amber Nash Give Hilarious Reading of PASSENGERS

ARCHER’s Aisha Tyler and Amber Nash Give Hilarious Reading of PASSENGERS

Last December, Passengers hit theaters with its interstellar romance between Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence, as well as a twist that left some viewers upset with the entire premise of the film. Because of the ensuing critical beating it received, Passengers has a reputation as a flop even though it brought in $100 million at the domestic box office. But there is definitely some unintentional hilarity in the movie, as demonstrated this weekend at the fourth annual Vulture Festival.

Via Vulture,  Archer‘s Aisha Tyler and Amber Nash read a long excerpt from Passengers during the Saturday Morning Cartoons roundtable. Nash filled in for Lawrence as Aurora Lane, while Tyler lowered her voice to portray Pratt’s Jim Preston, with Sean Roberts as the robot bartender, Arthur. If you care about spoilers for this movie and you still haven’t seen it, then you may want to skip this…because it does deal with the twist.

It’s a really funny take on the Passengers script and it doesn’t actually change too much. The biggest difference is that Tyler added more “dude” to Pratt’s performance, and that changed the entire tone of the piece. Perhaps we didn’t give Pratt and Lawrence enough credit for making the film work as well as it did. Somehow, Passengers seemed much less silly when they were onscreen.

For comparison’s sake, here’s a clip from the actual Passengers movie, as Jim and Aurora go on their date. And yes, the “space” line is in there.

What did you think about Tyler and Nash’s take on Passengers? Let us know in the comment section below!

Image: Columbia Pictures

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