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Anne Hathaway + Miley Cyrus = LIP SYNC BATTLE Awesomeness

And then, kids, a scantily clad Anne Hathaway jumped on the giant wrecking ball and gave the finger to Emily Blunt. And that is when the internet broke yet another time in 2015. By now, you’d have thought we’d at least fortify the internet since it keeps breaking, but we never seem to do anything about it.

That right there folks is Academy award winner Anne Hathaway lip syncing Miley Cyrus’ 2013 hit “Wrecking Ball” with more passion than we’ve seen anyone do anything in the past few days. What more of an amazing way to pique the interest of viewers than to include a quick snippet of Hathaway knocking the socks off of everyone in the audience with this dynamite clip. One can only hope Hathaway’s opponent, actress Emily Blunt, will bring the equal amount of game to her rounds on the new Spike series Lip Sync Battle.

We’re sure this episode is going to be a good one, with clips shared for weeks based off nothing but the look of sheer joy on LL Cool J’s face as Anne swings on the quintessential prop from Cyrus’ infamous music video. Are we too good to to refer to something like this as “LL Cool JOY”? Nope. We are not, and here it is:


You can check out Lip Sync Battle on Spike Thursdays at 10/9c and the inevitable awesome memes this episode will surely bring at an internet near you.

What’s been your favorite Lip Sync Battle Battle so far? Do you think this will beat Dwayne Johnson’s rendition of Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off”? Let us know in the comments! 

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