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Honest Trailer Guys Tackle INTERSTELLAR’s Booming Music and Shape-Shifting ATM

Let’s be real here for a second: whether or not you loved Interstellar, you can’t deny there were a lot of pretty mind-boggling aspects of it that were ripe for the skewering. Enter: The Honest Trailer guys over at Screen Junkies, here to remind us all of said ridiculousness and have a little fun at Christopher Nolan’s version of Contact‘s expense. Zing! The hits keep comin’.

And, actually, they never really stop. From Cooper’s general McCona-essense, his character’s extreme lack of regard for his son Tom —particularly when compared to his obsession with his daughter Murph — the second coming of the Dust Bowl, Matt Damon’s cameo of crazy (and inability to latch), TARS and his generally nutty existence, all that blaring organ music (my poor, tiny ears!), and that five-dimensional bookshelf of crazy all get the roasting they deserve. As does Anne Hathaway’s crying and observations on love being the one thing that we can perceive that transcends dimensions of time and space. (Which, yeah, that one sorta left us scratching our heads, too.)

Sorry, Neil deGrasse Tyson, we know this was an epic feat and cinematic achievement that was entertaining to watch (though maybe not hear. Again: the ears), but we’re having a heck of a lot of fun siding with the goofy comedy guys on the Internet here about the merits of this movie.

We’re sure some of you out there in Comment Land have some thoughts and/or points you feel the trailer missed. What else would you put in an Honest Trailer for Interstellar? Let us hear ’em in the comments.

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