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And Now For More Holiday Joy: Watch Kermit the Frog Sing ‘It Feels Like Christmas’

Sometimes we all just need the proverbial warm embrace of a song — don’t you agree? Particularly when it comes to us by way of Kermit the Frog (or really any one of The Muppet for that matter. But maybe particularly when it’s Kermie). Yes, that’s right, the lil greenie non-meanie got his sing-a-long on while down at Disneyland and the resulting video — of his performance of “It Feels Like Christmas” from The Muppet Christmas Carol — is joy in, perhaps, its purest form.

I mean, doesn’t that just warm the cockles of your cold and guarded heart? Admit it — you’ve probably been biting down hard on that ol’ Scrooge McDuck business now that the holidays are coming at us all with a full force of mistletoe-laced glee. Bah humbug for days, amirite? It’s OK — it happens to the best of us. But sometimes when you let your guard down and allow yourself a quiet moment of solace and peace, you may find yourself in need of a bit o’ cheer.

And if you’re one of those out there in serious need of it (like you’re at Defcon 1 on the Humbug Scale), there’s also the original version from The Muppet Christmas Carol. It features Michael Caine and if there’s one thing that could make a bunch of muppets singing joyfully along a Victorian England street, it is most assuredly his presence.

See? Don’t you feel better already? Of course you do. That’s the magic of The Muppets.

What’s your favorite holiday song? Let us hear ’em in the comments.

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  1. Michael says:

    my favorite is “The Christmas Wish” from the first John Denver and the Muppets album