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And Now, Captain Picard and The Avengers Sing Songs for Christmas

Sure, the probability of getting it to snow in space is very likely impossible, but Star Trek: The Next Generation‘s Jean-Luc Picard is determined to make this snow so — even if it’s the last thing he does, verdamnit! Because it’s Christmastime, and when else do people like to bask in the glow of frozen wet stuff than now, eh? Whether you celebrate the reason for the season or not, there’s plenty to like about this silly lip-dub ditty brought to us by one of England’s national treasures: Sir Patrick Stewart.

That’s why we’re bringing back one of last year’s favorite holiday e-treasures: Sir Stewart singing a holiday-ized version of “Make It So” with his team of space traveling compatriots, in a parody song put together by a clever fella by the name of James Covenant. People just love that goodwill towards men and general, genial cheer business. Brings the warm-fuzzies! Even the most curmudgeonly amongst us can feel the spirit in unexpected ways — particularly on the Internet where the possibilities of mash-ups and fan edits are endless.

Now grab yourself some tea (Earl Grey, hot) and settle in for a wintery tale of love and snowflakes from aboard the USS Enterprise. Come for the comfort of the holiday season, stay for the occasional “shut up, Wesley!” (Sorry, Wil — little Crusher just has a face that demands to be yelled at — it’s not personal.) Now go forth and warm those heart cockles, ya Trekkies.

But that’s not all! Covenant also did us a solid and cut together The Avengers singing “Joy to the World.” Because now is the time of giving gifts, my friends.

Here’s hoping you and yours have the merriest of holidays if you celebrate, and a generally good, good time even if you don’t!

What lip-dub song should the Star Trek team perform next? (Did somebody say “All About that Bass?” No/just us?) Leave your thoughts in the comments.

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