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AMERICAN HORROR STORY Season 7 Finally Has a Title

Every season of FX’s American Horror Story anthology series has its own twisted title, and now the upcoming season seven has at last revealed what we should be calling it (other than “The Election Season”) when the season premieres on September 5: American Horror Story: Cult. 

“Cult” probably isn’t a name anyone expected, but considering that part of this series will reportedly take place during the 2016 presidential election, it already seems oddly fitting. Not that the entire thing will be about the election, of course; in April, showrunner Ryan Murphy told E! News, “The first 10 minutes of the season, this season, takes place in a very eerie macabre way on election night and there’s something terrible that happens in the lives of our characters on election night as they’re watching it all go down.”

Judging by the way the new title was released—with an American flag on Ryan Murphy’s Instagram account, a website covered in bee-vomiting leather clad clowns, and an extremely terrifying video that played over the water at San Diego Comic-Con on Thursday night—there’s definitely something sinister at work. Maybe the show will be incorporating the infamous clown crisis of 2016 into the mix, too?


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Murphy also spent the last month dropping other hints on his Instagram, posting pictures of more flags, more clowns, and this creepy monster who symbolizes “ambidexterity” (maybe hinting at the Right vs. the Left?):

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And this one about bees. Yup, sure are a lot of bees. Maybe it’s a Wicker Man thing?

AHS last clue before this week’s TITLE reveal. Ideas?

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The cast of American Horror Story: Cult is slowly being assembled as well; in June, Murphy officially welcomed former Arrow star Colton Haynes to the cult, and earlier this week Variety reported that Girls creator Lena Dunham will also be featured this season.

Who else from the usual suspects do you want to see appear in AHS this season? I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a Zachary Quinto return—let us know your thoughts in the comments!

Images: FX, Ryan Murphy (@mrrpmurphy) on Instagram

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